We tell the truth with compassion. No lies, white lies or bending the truth to protect ourselves or other people;
If our services are terminated for telling the total truth, it’s OK. At least we are in integrity with ourselves
Receive feedback with an open mind, open heart and learning attitude to apply it into our life and work;
Inspire, encourage and support each other towards becoming a highly aligned, high-functioning, and high-performance team;
Whatever we do, ALL parties shall win together. (Our Clients, Our Client’s Customers and Scaling-Up! Ventures)
Either all parties get an acceptable outcome, or the deal is off, and that’s OK;
Always looking out for the interest of our Clients, constantly realigning them while facilitating their journey through our Scaling-Up! methodologies;
Ask the hard questions. Be direct. Be real. Be transparent and be factual with love and not ego;
Our job is to solve the needs, business pains, and challenges and/or help our clients achieve their aspirations and business outcomes. Never ever over-promise anything that we cannot deliver as per our covenant;